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I live in gratitude as the journey of awakening is just so wonderful, It is not all love and light a lot of the time it can be difficult at first as we are going against the grain of society as we know it and Embodying the New way of being. As we progress on our path a lot of times we want to share and offer out our insights and knowings. Below is a list of things i would like to offer out to those on the path. So if you feel guided please contact me to arrange a time and date that i can be off assistance to you.        Namaste


           Lulila's Love and Light Healing Massage


I offer Beautiful love and light healing massage these inculde aromatherapy, Sound and crystal healing. Let me take you into a deep state of relaxation where natural healing takes place. There are so many benefits of massage So book your massage today

           Sacred Chakra Dance


Clear your body of old patterns and beliefs by moving the body though dance. The Sacred Chakra dance i offer allows you to become aware of your chakra energy centers in the body, clear them and activate them to unlock key codes which lay dormant in these centers.


           Sacred Chakra Yoga


Yoga mean union, union of all aspects of the self coming together as one physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies merging together, let me guide you into yourself through a 7 week yoga course which can open us up to fully embace all parts of ourselves.

          Meditations and Light Activations


On my spiritual journey meditation has really helped me to realise how the mind works, how thoughts are always in the past or future but never in the now, when we are truly in the present moment there is no thought we are simply experience life untarnished by or egoic judgements. I will be sharing meditations and activations, if you would like to know more about this please dont hesitate to get in contact.

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